首页 > 数码 > 问答 > 数码知识 > cvi如何保存矩阵,cvi摄像头能接普通矩阵吗


来源:整理 时间:2022-10-06 06:26:38 编辑:安防经验 手机版



好像现在一些厂家都在做CVI的矩阵 cvi不等于cvbs啊






网络配置的配置文件在/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/下,文件名前缀为ifcfg-后面跟的就是网卡的名称,可以通过双TAB键查看然后编辑,也可以使用ifconfig查看,也可以使用命令:ls /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* --列出所有的设备配置文件,打开配置文件进行编辑,默认情况是dhcp动态获取的。首先把BOOTPROTO="dhcp"改成BOOTPROTO="static"表示静态获取,然后在最后追加比如下面的配置:BROADCAST= --局域网广播地址IPADDR= --静态IPNETMASK= --子网掩码GATEWAY= --网关或者路由地址配置完成之后保存退出,都设置完毕,然后使用命令:/etc/init.d/network restart 或者 service network restart重启网络服务,就换好地址了。



WriteFile函数通常是将数据写入到内部缓冲区,然后OS会定期将缓冲区中的数据写入到磁盘。如果想在调用WriteFile之后,数据就立即写入磁盘,有如下三种方法:1. 调用FlushFileBuffers(hFile);Flushes the buffers of a specified file and causes all buffered data to be written to a file.BOOL FlushFileBuffers( HANDLE hFile // open handle to file whose buffers are to be flushed );该函数会将指定文件的缓存数据写入磁盘。2. 在用CreateFile创建文件的时候,第6个参数使用标志FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGHInstructs the operating system to write through any intermediate cache and go directly to disk. The operating system can still cache write operations, but cannot lazily flush them.3. 关闭掉句柄CloseHandle(hFile);

5,请问怎么样可以在labwindows cvi里自动保存图像就是不用弹出个选项框

你是要保存整个Panel的图像。还是要保存部分图像?如果要保存整个Panel用SavePanelDisplayToFileint SavePanelDisplayToFile (int panelHandle, int scope, Rect area, int newHeight, int newWidth, const char path[]);PurposeCreates a bitmap "snapshot" of the specified panel, scales it according to the newHeight and newWidth parameters, and then saves it to file.ParametersInput Name Type Description panelHandle integer The specifier for a particular panel that is currently in memory.This handle will have been returned by the LoadPanel, NewPanel, or DuplicatePanel function. scope integer Specifies whether to use the visible area or the full panel for the bitmap created from the panel display. area Rect Use this parameter to restrict the area of the panel scaled and copied into the bitmap.You must pass a Rect structure. The rectangle coordinates, specified in pixels, are relative to the upper–left corner of the panel (directly below the title bar) before the panel is scaled.Use the VAL_ENTIRE_OBJECT macro if you do not want to restrict the area scaled and copied. newHeight integer If you pass VAL_ENTIRE_OBJECT for the area parameter, this parameter specifies the desired height of the resultant bitmap. (If you want to maintain the same height, pass –1.)Otherwise, the resultant height equals(new height/initial height) × area height newWidth integer If you pass VAL_ENTIRE_OBJECT for the area parameter, this parameter specifies the desired width of the resultant bitmap. (If you want to maintain the same width, pass –1.)Otherwise, the resultant width equals(new width/initial width) × area width path const char [] The pathname of a file. If it is not an absolute pathname, the pathname is relative to the current working directory. Return ValueName Type Description status integer Returns 0 if the function succeeded or a negative error code if the function failed.The possible negative error codes are:–1 to –999 A User Interface Library error code. (Constants are available in userint.h.) You can call the GetGeneralErrorString function in the toolbox.fp instrument driver to obtain a description of any of these error codes. 注:path就是你要保存的位置。这个可以实现不跳出对话框的。这个函数我用过,不知道能不能帮上你。cvi里头有很多函数。你可以在>>help>>contents 里面搜索下。
